Tune and Repair Shops Owners

How To Add From $100,000.00 To
Or More 
In Net Profits To Your Practice…
With A Steady Stream Of ‘Unique Customers’ 
…...Brought To You By An Exclusive, Sophisticated Direct Marketing System Designed By Legendary Marketing Strategist Whom I learned From.  

Your first paragraph ...

Featuring local/national offline/online advertising, micro-targeted local direct-mail, peer referrals system, complete external and internal marketing including much of it DONE FOR YOU……plus generation of new, otherwise unobtained referrals from within your customer base…..plus information/training/certification……plus full support and coaching. 


Dear Repair Shop Owner.

My name is George Christ, and it’s my privilege to be working with a unique partnership, developing the Slo-wear Fix-Better Forever Car Care Car Repair System…..which is fully “beta-tested” and rolling out nationally, and WILL revolutionize the business and income of ONLY approximately 5,000 repair shop owners. A small fraternity will get this exceptional opportunity as adjunct to their practice.            

This is your invitation to be considered for this elite group by attending a free teleseminar where more details of this amazing opportunity will be disclosed.             

We are accepting ONLY 4 PARTICIPATING repair shops per defined geographic area, so time is of the essence in your response. The initial response to this program by the first group of dentists permitted to learn all the details was overwhelming. In fact, 77% of that first group of dentists immediately signed contracts, joined the program and secured their positions. There is only ONE Teleseminar scheduled for the remainder of 2007, so you DO need to make a decision about attending and there deciding whether or not to participate - NOW.  You could be “locked out” in your area even by waiting a day to respond. So, please read the remainder of this information RIGHT NOW and respond immediately.             

To begin, I’m going to cover the Premise Of The Program and some facts about the market.

 The “WHY” And “WHY NOW” Behind Slo-wear Fix-better Forever         

This is my ‘brain child.’  So let me tell you the WHY and the WHY NOW - that has motivated me to invest time, energy and capital in developing this program, why you might judge it ideal for you and want to join us - if accepted - as One of 4  participating shop owners in your area.     

 Let me start by being a bit insulting, to say that most repair shop owners  practice advertising and marketing is primitive and unsophisticated, fatally flawed and fundamentally unimproved in decades. A bunch of “practice promotion speakers” keep slapping new lipstick on the old pig, but nevertheless, they all wind up in this same place:      ZERO DIFFERENTIATION. 

That means you’re business is perceived as the same as everybody else.

Nearly all repair shop advertising, marketing and promotion is just another We Take ‘Anybody’ as a customer…..offering.  A “me too” business…..making the same promises….using vague, general statements about quality, care, etc.  Maybe worse, all compete in the same media for the same customers. The result is, at best, fair market share; at worst, declining market share, and usually, declining margins. - which means you're doing more work now, to generate the same income as before!

 You can dance around this with who-has-the-fancier-web-site? or something like that, but you are treating symptoms, not curing anything. The only cure is TRUE differentiation. And that has been almost beyond the reach of all but a few repair shop owners until now.      

And there’s a SECRET. There are only a few paths to TRUE differentiation. One, that this letter is NOT about, is incredible Discounting. That kind of advertising works. But it’s expensive to create and hard to sustain. And vulnerable - it’s hard to a discount for a month or years as others will offer lower prices for the same as you - then what?     

There’s a better, more practical path… with magnetic pull in the form of attracting higher paying customers.  Its magnetic pull called a perceived value differenciates a plus compared to a minus competitors offer. And this letter invites you to way What can you gain joining our program.


in your product or service compared to its peers.

KEY TAKEAWAYS  The marketing of a product or service involves attempting to influence its perceived value.Perceived value is the 

called perceived value. A value you offer which is greater than thothers can't copy easily but with a lasting, sustainable advantage….a steady stream of good new customers that you can count on.    That kind of advantage, that kind of valuable asset comes from a radically different “customer-attractingapproach” that is everything the normal one is not: 


(Perceived as) the only repair shop of your kind…

Attracting Certain-Somebody as your customer….

•Sought after by Certain-People….

Offering Services Perceived As Unique,

For Certain-Somebody….

Making Different Promises…

•Using Media No Other repair shop Is Using …and….

Using Common Media Uniquely, Unlike Any Other repair shop….= Owning A Market= Sustainable, Exceptional Margins 

This approach is WHO-BASED rather than WHAT-BASED.      WHAT-BASED means focused on products and services, on dentistry.      WHO-BASED means focused on a very specific person…a specific target market….who feel unique, with special needs….and connecting with just that person in a meaningful way.      Another way to describe this is as NICHE MARKETING, and I have made fortunes for thousands by moving them - sometimes over great skepticism -  from big, broad, general, mainstream marketing to niche marketing. I am about to do the very same thing for approximately (only) 200 dentists throughout the U.S. - and ONLY ONE DENTIST IN YOUR AREA. (You or another.) ……why the diabetic (and pre-diabetic) market has been chosen…. THE BIGGEST & FASTEST GROWING MARKET SEGMENT:•  18 to 21 Million Diabetics + 6-Million and up not yet diagnosed•  U.S. diabetic population to double by 2010….fast, explosive growth•  Drug companies and expert investors pouring billions into this market•  Baby-Boomer population’s peak 2007 through 2020….”anti-aging” is THE business they fuel A GREAT “STORY TO TELL”•  Solid clinical basis for our Program; established links between oral health and diabetes and diabetes and oral health•  Emotional issues for patients, which lend themselves to ‘Kennedy Style Marketing’ A DIRECT MARKETING OPPORTUNITY•  Good media and specific mailing lists available•  Many online marketing opportunities ….prospective patients can be reached directly, affordably and efficiently•  Local and national advertising viable•  My already proven “marketing platforms” fit      There are even more reasons - but that’s enough for now. And our early actual market testing has verified our every assumption about this market. We can reach them. We have a compelling story to tell them. They will respond. They come in. They accept sizeable case prescriptions. As I am writing this, we are moving from our early test marketing to refining every part of our system. Give me a few more minutes before I lay out what you get as a participating dentist with DentistryForDiabetics®. Now, in case you are unfamiliar with us…. What Dan Kennedy Brings ToDentistry-For-Diabetics EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE IN MARKETING ‘HEALTH’ AND ‘BEAUTY’ TO CONSUMERS ·  Clients have included: Weight-Watchers Int’l and Physicians Weight Loss Centers……Miracle-Ear………Guthy-Renker: Victoria Principal Skin Care, Pro-Activ, Comprehensive Nutrition, Perfect Smile……..HealthSource® Chiropractic and HealthSource® Weight Loss…and others  ·  Tens of thousands of dentists and chiropractors utilizing ‘Kennedy Marketing’ since 1983 ·  Consultant to consultants, influencing a who’s who of practice growth and management leaders including Dr. Tom Orent, Dr. Charles Martin, Greg Stanley/Whitehall Management, Ed O’Keefe, Jay Geier/Scheduling Institute, etc. ·  As a direct marketing professional working in health care and beauty categories, I’m NOT a doctor trying to be a marketer. I bring sophisticated, broad-based direct marketing know-how honed in nearly 200 different product, service, industry and profession categories over 30 years to the task of consistently generating a steady stream of good patients ·  My advertising and marketing has consistently transformed private practices. Why You Want To Work With Dr. Charles MartinOn This ‘Practice Within A Practice’ Opportunity   Thoroughly versed in Kennedy-Style Marketing in my coaching groups and as a private client for seven years.   Exceptional Clinical Expertise •  Case Presentation CONSISTENTLY achieving exceptional acceptance for case frequently in the $40,000 to $70,000 fee range.   Accomplished, Effective Writer of books, newsletters, etc.   LONG HISTORY OF COACHING DENTISTS TO GREATER SUCCESSCharley Martin’s Mastermind Coaching Program has unleashed a tremendous hidden potential in my practice.  It allowed me to associate and pick the brains of 30 very successful practitioners from around the country.  To learn from their mistakes as well as their triumphs and to see what works and what doesn’t.” “The first weekend alone will save me over $750,000 in the next five years by just following through with one idea.  I feel there is a tremendous opportunity that has just been laid out for me.  Now it’s up to me to run with it.  I can’t wait till we all get together again.” Dr. Gregory J. SmithLakeville, Minnesota I just want you to know that I am very excited about the next year.  This has been the best time and money that I have spent.  Last month we collected what was needed to create my dream income which I figured last meeting.  Yesterday I was able to have two different patients go ahead with esthetic dentures.  Getting me out of the middle ages regarding my financial department.  We have been intensely working on creating the financial systems for our office based on your lecture last.  I feel like a big weight has been lifted.  Things are going so well now with your help I fell like I'm living my dream. Dr. Leonard F. Anglis, DDS, MAGDPast President American Board of General DentistryLowell, Indiana
What Do You Get As A Participating DentistWith Dentistry For Diabetics?             Here is a very abbreviated and over-simplified Overview.  You will learn much more during the free teleseminar. 1.    National Advertising/Marketing 2.    Local Advertising/Marketing ‘Done For You’ Options 3.    Operation Of A ‘Marketing System’ including management of and communication with ‘leads’* leading to them calling your office for appointments(*’Lead’ = Prospective patient who has “raised hand” in response to advertising, marketing or publicity and requested information.) 4.    Collection of Ready-To-Use Internal and Local-External Marketing Tools 5.    Continuous providing of additional Tools 6.    Local “Peer” Marketing System for Referrals 7.    Coaching and Support 8.    Clinical Certification and Nat’l Organization Credentials 9.    ONE participating dentist per area  What To Do NEXT - If You Are Interested….      At this point, you make NO COMMITMENT. Nor do we. We both just say ‘Maybe.’      Simply click the registration link below, and fill out the necessary information.  A Confirmation email will be sent to you with the web address for the teleseminar.  Simply log on to listen to myself and Dr. Martin.      Now, I turn this space back over to Dr. Martin…. A Few Closing Thoughts             I have been in dentistry for 28 years. My own  practice improves year after year. In 2006, we completed over 77 significant cases, and generated over $2,341,000.00. My personal chairside value consistently exceeds $1,200.00 per hour.  I’m fortunate - as a result of a lot of skill-building in both clinical and business aspects - to have my ideal practice - and the ideal lifestyle it provides for my entire family. I am able to take a lot of time away from the practice for summer vacations abroad such as my recent two weeks in Italy, winter ski vacations and cruises as well as for writing, lecturing and coaching.             I frankly did not need anything new to do. But the opportunity to work with THE Dan Kennedy on a major project that will have major impact on approximately 200 dental practices, in many ways, the entire profession as well as the lives of tens of thousands of patients every year was irresistible. I am honored that, of many “practice gurus” and leaders Dan might have chosen, he has partnered with me on DentistryForDiabetics.  I can tell you, his influence on me and the value he has added to my practice over the past seven years has been life-altering. And I know this amazing program he has designed (with my participation) will do the same for you. We have 3 years’ development, 6 months’ test-market activity, and well over $100,000.00 invested in its making. It represents Dan’s 30 years of experience as well. I can assure you that you will see something you’ve never seen in our profession before!  That’s why the first group of dentists permitted to see it leaped at the opportunity to join us. This is something big you’ll be proud to be a part of, profit from in many ways, and be of benefit to a great many people by participating.             I look forward to meeting you and working with you.             Dr. Charles Martin, DDS, MAGD, DICOI, FIADFE CLICK HERE- For Teleseminar Registration11201 Huguenot Road - Richmond, VA 23235 - toll free 866-263-5577 - phone (804) 320-6800 - fax (804) 320-1014
© 2007 DentistryForDiabetic, All Rights Reserved